What if kids designed their own future?
A few years ago, an Australian research agency McCrindle came up with a name for the youngest cohort – they were aptly called Generation Alpha. According to McCrindle, they will be the most formally educated, technology-supplied, and wealthiest people. They'll also be far more eco-conscious, braver and more open to revolutionary changes than their parents. Can you visualise a world ruled by your children?
Light up your brain: interview
When poet John Donne wrote that no man is an island, he really meant that humans need to connect with other humans physically in order to thrive. “Put down your phones and look up at each other,” says Dr Fiona Kerr, a founder of the NeuroTech Institute, who advises how to make the most of human senses and keep on growing our brains until our last days.
Squiggly brain: why raising a neurodivergent child is hard
“Squiggly Brain. Neurodivergence, a mum’s perspective.” This isn’t a revolutionary finding but all parents raising neurodivergent kids need a solid mental health scaffolding of their own.
Wabi-sabi parenting
For parents all over the world, the global pandemic has unveiled a hard truth: that home life is as vulnerable and imperfect as we are.